Holler!  You did it!!  This is a short blog to read today because YOU will be the author of your own blog - subject: post race details. 

How do you feel?!  How was your race?!  Your mind may be absolutely fatigued yet reeling with info on your latest conquest.  Write these details down!!  I promise, you'll forget them later.  Below, I've included a race recap for you to keep in your files because when you run your next race, it is very helpful to not only read how you prepared and were feeling before your previous race, but it can be kind of funny too :)

After your first race or two, your focus will shift from "I just want to finish" to "How can I do that better".  This is where it gets really fun and why running and racing never gets old.  There is always something to tweak and something to experiment with.  Faster speed?  Longer distance?  More frequent racing?  Less effort?  Trail running?  Triathlon"ing"?  Destination racing?  After that first race finish your training takes on more depth and meaning and it's a totally different journey for everyone. 

Your post race week assignment -

1.) rest
2.) hydrate
3.) eat well
4.) stretch
5.) run a couple of short and easy runs

Making a new plan is F.U.N.!!!  Get that bottle of water (okay, a glass of wine will do), park in front of that computer (that can be the rest part) and peruse these sites:


Seriously, make a tentative plan and compare notes with running friends (and certainly your coach so she can get a training plan for you!).

The next week or two will be weeks of active recover with lower mileage and effort.  Then it's back to a new training cycle filled with wonderful experiences and fabulous finishes!

Until then, keep notes of your own on your latest success!!  Congratulations and happy trails!!

My Race Recap! 



Race and Place


Finish Time and Pace Per Mile

Temp and Weather Conditions

Clothing and Supplies

Prerace Training

Taper Week

Race Morning

Race Details

Post Race

1-2 Days Post Race

Things that totally worked

Things I will do differently

Next Goal