Ask yourself: 'Can I give more?'. The Answer is usually: 'Yes'."

                                    Paul Tergat, professional marathoner

Running is the greatest metaphor for life, because you get out of it what you put into it."

Oprah Winfrey

 Performance RUNaway Add-On

August 26th - December 17th or race day  $85/season

(fee prorated for spring season based on race date) 


  • Coach consult with goal setting and a complimentary Starbucks coffee or tea :)
  • Initial mile and/or 5K time trial
  •  Wednesday run with specific pace or effort parameters
  • Additional strength or speed drills with Tuesday and Friday runs.
  • Pace and effort specifics for Sunday runs.
  • RUNaway handheld water bottle. (Nathan brand.)

RUNaway Performance Add-On

RUNaway Performance is for you if you are looking to increase your general running speed and/or meet a race time goal!  Our weekly Wednesday RUNaway is open to all of our current season Long Distance RUNaways and concentrates on strength and speed.  BUT this special add on plan takes it a notch further by pinpointing YOUR INDIVIDUAL goals and training.

Is this add on a "must do" for long distance runners?  Oh, not at all!  Running for fitness, friends and finish lines are really first and foremost.  (See how I did an "f" alliteration right there :)  But maybe you are looking to dial it up this season.  Yep, then this would be your plan!  You can certainly be a fierce runner with RUNaway Long Distance training but this performance plan will make you a fierce runner aiming towards a particular performance.

Coach Amy will meet with you individually on your goal(s) and implement specific pace and effort based workouts to run you towards your accomplishment.  You'll continue to run 4 days/week with the group and can often stay right with your running buddies but you'll also be following a more specific training regimen with regards to pace, effort, drills and recovery.  This plan doesn't necessarily mean more running - it's just more refined running with a concrete and proven plan to adapt your body to work towards a stronger pace and more efficient run.

You can register for this today on the SIGN ME UP page.  Make sure that you register for Long Distance RUNaway as well.  And as always, call Amy with any questions!

 Performance Training Plan

This will follow and add on to your existing Long Distance RUNaway training.  We will spend our first weeks acclimating to the outdoor heat and building an endurance base.  Wednesdays will start with an initial time trial and then focus primarily on strength.  This is code word for hills and drills. :) Your body must be strong to go the distance with your new speed goal.  We'll then shift our focus on Wednesdays (and parts of our other runs) on speed.  Think intervals, fartleks, hill bursts and negative splits.  All of which will be explained to you with Amy's bullhorn.  These workouts will leave you spent . . . and totally superior.  Intrigued?  Make your plan and let's do this!